Ballet 101
This is an introductory class to help students begin to understand the fundamentals of ballet. It is after-all the foundation of dance!
In weekly classes students will learn basic ballet positions and vocabulary/terminology, as well as the structure of a standard ballet class (Starting at the barre and moving into introductory center). This class is designed to build a strong core, beautiful lines, and a healthy body with fine posture and poise. For a student to make appropriate progress in other dance forms, the study of ballet is necessary; especially for those seeking to join our competition teams.
Some students spend more than two years in level 101 as their minds and bodies develop and adapt to working in harmony, while others progress more quickly.
Once a student has mastered the ballet technique appropriate for any level and is strong enough to accomplish particular movements, she or he will be moved up at the Instructor's and Director’s discretion.
General Age Range: 6-12
Class Duration: 1.25 Hrs

Ballet 103
Ballet 103 is a pointe course that provides committed dancers with advanced technique. This class may only be taken by students approved by the instructor and director.
Pointe work is undertaken when the student has mastered basic technique and when her legs and feet are sufficiently developed; usually after three years in technique classes (101-102) .
General Age Range: 12-18
Class Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Ballet 102
This transitional course offers students a deeper understanding of ballet. Prior ballet experience is required to enroll. With sufficient study and application, along with proper technique, a strong body, and instructor/director approval, a student may advance to Pointe work in this class. By taking this course, students will have a clear understanding of body alignment, movement quality, carriage of upper body, and flexibility.
Most students will stay in this course for 2-3 years, as repetition and consistency are key.
General Age Range:8-14
Class Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Hip Hop 101
This is a beginner class designed to introduce students to the world of hip hop.
Weekly classes begin with a warm up and movement progressions across the floor. Then, we jump into weekly and bi-weekly choreography combinations to improve student's "Pick-up" time, choreography retention, and fine motor skills (For more advances techniques).
Our hip hop choreography combines old and new school hip hop styles and adds in a touch of Latin, African, Modern, Swing, and so much more.
General Age Range: 6-10
Class Duration: 50 Minutes to 1 Hour
Hip Hop 102
This course offers an introductory hip hop class for students getting a late start with hip hop, or dance in general.
Weekly classes progress in the same manner as hip hop 101 classes; with the exception of music selection.
General Age Range: 11-18
Class Duration: 1.5 Hrs
Jazz 102-103
These courses focus on mastery of jazz techniques from Jazz 101, as well as expanding student's skill-sets.
Students taking Jazz levels 102-103 are generally in the corresponding Ballet level also.
Students wishing to enroll in these courses must be enrolled in a ballet course as well.
General Age Range: 11-18
Class Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Jazz 101
This is a beginner class designed to introduce students to the world of Jazz.
Students will be taught various styles of jazz such as Broadway, Street, and Contemporary to help develop a well rounded dancer. Class curriculum is based on ballet technique layered with traditional jazz movement and includes a proper warm-up, stretches, isolations, strength/resistance training, across-the-floor progressions, and combinations.​
Students wishing to enroll in this course must be enrolled in a ballet course as well.
General Age Range: 6-12
Class Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Lyrical 102-103
Lyrical courses are designed for intermediate to advanced students with previous training in ballet.
Students will explore partnering and weight sharing exercises combined with basic techniques and skills from ballet, jazz and modern genres. It emphasizes interpretation of music lyrics while telling a story with movement that can be fluid or abstract.
Students wishing to enroll in this course must be enrolled in a ballet course as well.
General Age Range: 8-18
Class Duration: 1.5 Hrs

Clogging 101
This is a beginner class designed to introduce students to the world of clogging.
Students will learn the fundamentals of traditional clogging, which they will later understand to be the building blocks of all clogging steps (Contemporary or Traditional). This course focuses on students mastery of weight change/control, volume control, sound clarity, and movement speed.
General Age Range: 6-11
Class Duration: 1 Hour

Clogging 103
This course focuses on mastery of all Clogging techniques, both contemporary and traditional.
Students are expected to have completed both Clogging 101 and 02 to enroll in this course.​
Students enrolled in Clogging 102-103 are allowed to audition for the Competition Team's clogging dances, without being enrolled in other genres.
General Age Range: 11-18
Class Duration: 1 Hour
Clogging 102
This intermediate level course introduces students to the contemporary side of clogging.
Contemporary clogging incorporates other genres of dance, such as hip hop. The music selections are typically more upbeat "Modern" music. Steps are more controlled, and the movements are more precise.
As students progress, and their legs and feet become stronger, the class will begin to learn "Toe-Steps" (At the discretion of the instructor).
Students enrolled in Clogging 102-103 are allowed to audition for the Competition Team's clogging dances, without being enrolled in other genres.
General Age Range: 9-15
Class Duration: 1 Hour
Dancing Tots
These classes for pre-schoolers contain ballet, tap, and creative movement.
Dancers will learn basic steps and terminology in ballet and tap, and explore their own creative movement styles through the use of imaginative music and games in a safe, positive environment.
Students in this class will improve flexibility and coordination through fun, age appropriate movement and exercises. Our instructors use imaginative games, upbeat music, and props to inspire and excite students about dance.
Ages Range: 2 - 4
Class Duration: 45 - 50 Minutes
Tumbling Tots
This is a beginner class that teaches the basic fundamentals of tumbling.
Students will work on basic progressions: forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, handstand drills, cart-wheels, and round-offs.
General Age Range: 3.5 - 5
Class Duration: 50 Minutes